Last month, Bethesda released a series of animation rollers on Starfield, one of which was a fragment with the battle of two -legged robots manageed by man. The same titans could be seen in the gameplay trailer a couple of months ago, the screenshot of which you can see above. After that, many wondered if we can manage them ourselves.
In general, the answer is negative. As part of yesterday’s q&A with the leading quest designer Will Shenom and the leading designer Emil Paljaurulo Bethesda said that Mahi in Starfield is rather a decor. This is a kind of element of combat mood, which will decorate some of many, many game planets, but will never be piloted.
To the question of one of the fans about the history of the creation of fur in Starfield, Paljarulo explained that fur is "The remnants of the war of the colonies, the conflict that began in 2308, when the team Freestar violated the contract": "Both sides, the united colony and the Freestar team, had fuckers. But the team Freistar masterfully mastered them. Then the united colonies decided to balance this "controlled alien animals from their division Xenowarfare".
But, alas, several decades before the start of Starfield and the laboratories of the United Colonies Xenowarfare, and the fuckers of both sides were "declared outside the law a truce that has completed the war of the colonies". This means that he says Paljarulo that only rusty buildings remained from them, which cllate the historical fields of the battles. Mehi "Not suitable for use, no, ”says Paljarulo,“ they are in ruins".
To be honest, we already knew that Starfield will not be ground technology, but I am not sure that I would attribute Mehov to this category. It was hoped that they would work about the same as power armor in Fallout 4. But no.
At least you can walk among a pile of dead furs on the fields of past battles. In addition, you can be sure that this will be one of the first things that the enterprising team of the modders will try to realize, and this if Bethesda does not get ahead of them in any expansion.