In an interview with Kotaku portal, the narrative director of Ubisoft Massive Navid Havari shared fresh details Star Wars Outlaws. The developer called some locations and spoke about the structure of the game.
Outlaws takes place on the planets of the external ring – the border territories of the cosmos, beyond which the universe is unknown. Some of the worlds are well known to fans – a sandy tatuin covered with Avik jungle, mountain Kijimi. Others – invented specifically for the game, for example, the moon of Toshara. Her climate arose, and criminals of all stripes live everywhere. The main character Kay Vessa and the robber herself, so she feels on Toshara at home.
“Cosmos is a very profitable, but risky place for any criminal. If you leave the beaten path, your craving for research will present surprises. Thus, you can abandon the contract for the theft of imperial cargo, and then get distracted and go on your spiderbike to Savanna Toshara in search of an artifact, and the game will reward your curiosity, ” – Navid Havari, Narrant Director.
Kay will have his own reputation among all criminal syndicates in the game – depends on what relations the heroine develops with each of them during the plot. All this will affect the tasks that the fractions give out. If you wish, the grouping can even be pushed with your foreheads. Moreover, gamers will see many familiar characters of the franchise, for example, Jabb Hutt.
According to Navid Havari, from the point of view of gameplay, the structure of the world of the game can be divided into three parts. The first includes densely populated cities and busy cantins – bars where you can meet members of criminal clans and corrupt imperials leading things with each other. The second is the mysterious and low -off expanses of the planets that can be examined on foot or on a speeding. Finally, cosmos – it will be allowed to plow on the spaceship “pioneer”.
Star Wars Outlaws will be released in 2024 on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S. The events of the game unfold during the original trilogy of Star Wars – between the films “The Empire Repeat a Return Blow” and “The Return of the Jedi”.